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Toby Keith says NO GUNS ALLOWED in this new bar

Gimmie three steps mister…

toby keith guns

Come on now! No guns in a country bar? What if someone jumps your quarter on the pool table? Or insults your mother? Or hits on your woman while yer taking a pee out back?

Well if we learned anything from the Duck Dynasty fiasco, it’s that Toby Keith will be changing that policy before the week is out. Ignorant, gun toting bigots not only run the GOP these days, but the media as well. The right-wing bias media…

True story from many years ago.

I had an old pal from Wisconsin down visiting, we happened into a  local redneck bar in the late afternoon after a day sailing Galveston Bay. It was a very small place, a bar with a dozen or so tables with a pool table in the center of things. It was fairly crowded. All of a sudden BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG. We saw most of it from our bar stools before we ran like hell out the back door with everyone else. It was about jumping a quarter on the pool table. A biker took out his .45 and shot and hit the quarter jumper 9 times from less than 10 feet.

Epilogue: That was the end of any of my Yankee friends visiting me down here in Dumbutt. I did send the newspaper clipping to them the following week about the situation.

League City: “Name” was shot at a local bar here by “Name” who was released on $5000 bond. An argument ensued and “Name” was taken by life flight to Ben Taub Hospital with 9 bullet wounds where he on Tuesday he was moved from critical to stable condition.

So you see why we need 40 round clips. Guys on the other side of the pool table don’t go down that easy.

Which should bring to mind why the GOP has passed laws to not allow hospitals to report gunshot deaths or wounds to the CDC. I would like to tell you how many people are shot and wounded each year by guns, but freedom and liberty loving Republcians have made that information against the law. But taking in some war stats it seems there are about 10 men wounded to every death. That would be over 100,000 Americas shot by other Americans every year. About a million or so per decade.