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Trevor Noah gets serious about the racist murder of Philando Castile

Trevor Noah gets Serious about the racist murder of Philando Castile

Trevor Noah gets Serious about the racist murder of Philando CastileThe horror of the non guilty verdict of the cop who murdered Philando Castile, after watching this cop murder him for no other reason than he was afraid of black men, coupled with the recent hung jury giving Bill Cosby a walk for drugging and rapping over 20 women, is that it is not our ignorance is not so much a REPUBLICAN problem as it is an AMERICAN problem.

Same goes for the election of Donald Trump and the satisfaction of his performance thus far which polls show Republicans winning the House and Senate in 2018 and Trump getting reelected in 2020.

How did this happen to America?  The lie that open discussion will open the eyes of the American people to choose the light of reason, truth and the doing the thing is to blame. Doing the right thing is a laughable joke to them. No, the big money, which is the be all and end all of American exceptionalism,  is in making ignorant bigots feel good about themselves.

Eliminating the FAIRNESS DOCTRINEn in our public airways in 1987 gave us 30 years of dishonest, lying, right-wing propaganda 24/7 to tens of millions of people, and over 20 years of the same from Fox News with the purveyors of all that extreme rightwing swill raking in billions and billions of dollars and no end in sight. We are now at the cusp of getting a second Fox News, one is just not enough.

Last night in Iowa at a campaign rally President Trump told 15 bold faced lies to enthusiastic applause from his cult. His greatest moment, what caused his audience to go nuts in anger and boos, was when he said just the word “CNN.” Which was in context to one of his 15 full blown lies, “CNN TURNED OFF THEIR CAMERA! LOOK!” that it was did not matter one wit. the more lies the better to such people.

Now we hear that the only way out is to play nice and reach out to these hate filled ntiwits. Oh No! They are not hate filled nitwits at all!  Some liberal wounded a White Republican Congressman [with 100% NRA rating] so now all the hate and violence in America comes from Liberals. And it works. That is how powerful this crap is. Gosh…

This celebration of hate, of ignorance, of bigotry is not failing it’s growing as Fox News, NBC, Megyn Kelly and especially Bill Maher give these racists, bigots, extreme hate mongers platforms to increase their wealth, power and following in the name of free speech.