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The Trouble with Vaccine Deniers

Trouble with Vaccine deniers

The trouble with vaccine deniers is that unlike their fellow evolution and global warming deniers, the results of their stupid is far more immediate. Neither is it akin to those Christians who would rather watch their kids suffer die rather than take them to a doctor, for vaccine denial doesn’t just take their own kids out of the gene pool but everyone’s. It’s far more like climate change denial in which The Stupid hurts everyone not just they and theirs.

Evolution denial is the least dangerous of the pack, after all, other than trying to make all kids as stupid as their kids, such people mostly fail, accomplishing little other than wearing a I’M WITH STUPID T-shirt. Though this graph I found this morning is rather disheartening. Evolution denial is growing among Republicans, almost half now deny it. The GOP seems to have become a magnate for Stupid. And hey, is there a correlation between a Black President and moving toward Stupid?

Creationism, GOP stupid magnate

There is also the question of the politics of it, Left or Right. Conservatives like to point to Liberals to say, SEE YOU’RE AS ANTI SCIENCE AS WE ARE!  Though outbreaks are documented in liberal California and there is some correlation between the Left GMO crowd and vaccines, mostly it is about that universal “conspiracy personality” at work.

But to put that to rest this week we have had both Rand Paul (a doctor!) and Chris Christie (a fat a whole) coming out against mandatory vaccinations. Are they pandering to the leftist crowd you think?

Oh and I have to give the token black clown in the 2016 run credit, Ben Carson came out for mandatory vaccinations.And he is against assault rifles in cities.