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Trouble with Texas Taliban Bible Course in Public Schools

texas talibanThe Texas Taliban has embedded itself top to bottom in Texas politics and government. An arm of the Republican Party they are above all, Christians who rally against abortion, homosexuality and evolution while they push for more guns in more hands, more executions and always on the forefront of using old ways to force their intolerant and violent brand of Christianity upon all children in the Lone Gun State.

Before going any further it is important to understand that this is not only the majority of Texans, but the  majority of teachers in Texas who do not accept evolution and wish to give Creationism (Intelligent Design) equal time in science classes. Teachers who will do whatever they can to proselytize their unique brand of  Texas Christianity in their classrooms. They openly joke in the teacher’s lounges about who pushed the most Jesus down their students throats on any given day. Which is A LOT because not only are most school boards owned and operated by the Texas Taliban, but so too the decision making at the state level.

The Texas Taliban has a lock on the State Board of Education. Last year they passed a new law allowing them to teach The Bible in public schools. Unlike the Taliban in Afghanistan or the Ayatollahs in Iran, here in Texas they have to get around the US constitution to get the job done. In this case they play a game that many outside of Texas may not understand. They have written the law to make the Bible course elective (if 10 or more students in any school request it) and claim it will only be taught as an historic document. Trust me on this, there will be 10 sets of parents in every school in Texas requesting the course, and the whole point of it is to force as much Christian religion – with the accompanying political intolerance – they can into public schools.  

The present fight concerns the State Board of Education refusing to create standards and lesson plans for the course to ensure it stays not only within constitutional boundaries but does not end up as it was intended, getting NRA Jesus into the classroom no matter what a bunch of socialist God Hating liberal atheists have to say about it. The issue has been settled and won by the Texas Taliban with the help of Governor Perry and Attorney General Abbott who sided with the 10 to 5 vote of the State Board of Education that no real standards or lesson plans will apply. SBOE rejected biblical, legal expertise it needs 

The course is not scheduled until the Fall of 2009 so there is some breathing space to come up with a statewide lesson plan. Here is a lesson plan that is simple, strait forward and true. One hour a day every school day of the year.

In the first grade teach them that everything was Eve’s fault which is why men are in charge.

In the second grade teach them the story of Abraham who heard a voice telling him to slit his son’s throat. He was about to do so until at the last minute the same voice said, STOP, I was just kidding! Very important lesson! Absolute obedience to disembodied voices no matter what. This lesson was well learned by my one time neighbor Andrea Yates.

In the third grade tell the story of Jesus who spent his life telling people to love and forgive one another. To be merciful and compassionate towards their neighbors (even those living ouside of Texas) and break the circle of vengeance to seek peace and love here on Earth. For which he was nailed to a dead tree.

In the Fourth grade teach them about Emperor Constantine who made Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. Which soon collapsed resulting in 500 years of anarchy and violence in the name of Christianity which have come to be called the Dark Ages for good reason.

In the Fifth grade teach them that as the Muslims helped pull the rest of us out of the Dark Ages, the Crusades began with 250 years of war and carnage where the streets literally flowed in ankle deep in blood. This happened in the Middle East where Christians forced their religion on the Muslims who lived there.

In the Sixth grade teach them how in 1486 Ferdinand and Isabella created the Spanish Inquisition and with the help of the Vatican and the Catholic Church spread torture, burning at the stake and executions for heresy – not believing in Christ – across the world.

In the Seventh grade go over what all the violence in Northern Ireland has been about for hundreds of years.

In the Eight grade go over the 17th Century Salem Witch Trials.

In the Ninth grade teach them that the Holocaust in Germany was directed at NON CHRISTIANS and that their was a Christian cross on every Nazi vehicle and uniform.

In the Tenth grade teach them about Pentecostal preacher Jimmy Swaggart beating off in motel rooms and Baptist Preachers Jim and Tammy Bakker fraud and thievery.

In the Eleventh grade cover religious leaders Jim Jones, David Koresh and FLDS leader Warren Jeffs.

 And in the Twelfth grade spend the year studying what religion has brought to Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia et al…

An hour a day everyday for a year on each subject. In fact, I would be willing to give them an hour of forced denominational prayer (with guns) everyday for every hour they spend on the above subjects.