We know he was troubled because he entered the church and sat down for a time telling a black woman survivor he’d let her live so she could tell everyone else what happened. A witness says he reloaded five times an said black women were taking over his country and this had to be done. South Carolina, who coulda guessed?
Update: Can’t wait to hear from the parents of Dylann Storm Roof who named their kid Storm.
Three men and six African American women dead at the scene, many of whom may have been unarmed thugs, or Mexican rapists, or even worse, community organizers.
What with the recent news about Rachel Dolezal, could this have been a white man who thinks he is black? Or a thug who thought he was white? So many sheep, so little time.
No mention of the gun so far, but it seems to be standard 9mm semi automatic hand gun. Which we need more of. You know, like nukes.
This guy makes those New York escaped murderers seem tame, hey?
With Jerry Seinfeld finally giving the Right their long fought victory over political correctness, I feel obligated to mention that this white trash cracker peckerwood Southern man is probably a fan of the hillbilly Palin family of retards.