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How to turn on a Feminist, FOD

how to turn on a feministSo does this mean that the leading voice for Republicans, Rush Limbaugh made a mistake calling a college woman a SLUT because she advocated birth control be covered by student insurance? Or Texas Tea Party Republican Ted Nugent calling women ‘brain-dead soulless idiots,’ ‘varmints,’ ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dirty whores,’ and ‘worthless witches’ is not a good idea either?  Or the GOP standing loud and firm against equal pay for women for equal work? Or the Republican platform denying women choices in dozens of reproductive right issues?

But you know, Republicans do all those things loudly and boldly because they know they will win this years’ elections no matter what they say or do. They got the turn out, gerrymandering, voter suppression, Fox News, talk radio, White men, married White women, old farts, hillbillies and flatlanders, Obamacare, Obama, Citizens United, God and Jesus. While the Democrats got pansies, wussies, sluts and mongrels of one sort or another, most of whom chose not to vote in mid term elections.

This time next year Republicans will have the Supreme Court, the House the Senate, while increasing their majority of state governors and legislatures. Voting is a job, do your job.