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Video: Back in Black, Lewis Black Education rant

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Back in Black – Education Crisis
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

Time for me to weigh in on education what with so many jumping on board charter schools, massive donations and vouchers since the rave reviews of the move "Waiting for Superman".

There are a few grand flaws in this approach.

Even if Charter Schools make great leaps forward they cover only a very few percent of our children.

Charter schools, private schools, voucher schools and home schooling show little if any overall improvement over public schools. In fact many show worse results. 

If as THEY say money does not matter why are all these billionaires throwing so much money into education?

The parents who register their kids to get into Charter schools have children who are not the problem in the first place. Those kids have parents active in their education.

With all this firing of teachers in the news of late, less people will want to get into the field of teaching.

With the constant slam on teacher unions which results in less pay, less benefits and less job security for teachers, less people wanting to get in the field of teaching.

Republicans see charter schools as the catalyst to eliminate public education (socialism).

The Religious Right see charter schools as the foot in the door to a tax funded voucher system for churches to control education for the voting booths of tomorrow. 

Our poor statistical standing in education is mostly due to rural nitwits,  inner city poverty and language barriers which bring it all down to third world levels. And like it or not, believe it or not those three things are mostly about lack of MONEY.

In conclusion I would like to add… I am sick and tired of having all the blame piled upon teachers, parents and the government rather than where it belongs. On our stupidass spoiled children.