“If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world” Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker at CPAC comparing ISIS terrorists to teachers and union members demonstrating for fair wages and benefits, Walker’s fight against working stiffs was funded by Koch Brothers money from outside Wisconsin, Scott Walker is the Koch Brothers man.
Gosh, I sure hope Scott Walker is not as dumb as he looks.
Scott Walker knocked em dead at CPAC yesterday. So much so it’s now Jeb Bush’s job to see if he can unseat the top contender. It’s a three way race between Walker, Bush and Cruz. Though Rand Paul and Ben Carson will get a good share of press for being in the front seat of the clown car.
Did you know that in “journalism” one is not allowed to express what someone thinks? I think the expression is that no man can know what is in another man’s heart. So of course this cartoon is crap. Even though all of talk radio and most of Fox News is mostly about what liberals really think. If you missed that, liberals hate America, they hate God, they hate you and are communists. .
Knowing Scott Walker’s evangelical background, this brings up something I would like to see asked of every GOP candidate in the upcoming debates.
Where lies your primary allegiance? America, the Constitution or Jesus Christ? But as I am sure you have heard, the GOP debates will be moderated by non moderates sponsored mostly by Fox News with talk radio hosts asking the questions. None of those unfair evolution questions will be asked what with everyone watching.