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White gun enthusiast John Russel Houser kills 2 wounds 9 in Lafayette movie theater

Since 911 twice as many Muslims have been shot and killed by white Christian right-wingers than Muslims have shot and killed Americans.

John Russel Houser kills 2 wounds 9Lone wolf middle aged white gun enthusiast and probable Christian John Russel Houser went into a Lafayette movie theater last night to see Amy Schumer’s new movie Trainwreck and opened fire killing two women and wounding 9 others before killing himself. Women. Amy Schumer. Sex.

I guess the answer to this is to call on more camo draped militias to stand in and around our recruitment centers and movie theaters with assault rifles and just hope for the best. You know hope these people just aching for trouble don’t mistakenly or accidentally shoot the sidewalks or bystanders.

And boy oh boy what a boon for a crazy person with an assault rifle wanting to shoot things up! Just put on some camo, a pair of sunglasses and go stand in front of a recruiter, or  movie theater and blend right in.

And hey, it matters not one friggin wit if the gun was legal or illegal as the NRA and these gun enthusiasts do not want background checks at all and no checks on gun show or private gun sales. So it matters not ONE WIT.

The gunmania is the primary blind spot in our American culture which is responsible for our violent nature in all things.