Britain could soon vote to leave the European Union, and while John Oliver completely understands why the British would chose to leave the EU, he has enlisted a group of gifted vocalists to propose a smarter – and cheekier option than simply leaving the EU. Oliver painlessly the pros and cons of Britain’s choice. The monetary facts would point to staying…You’ll soon see what oddities of human nature point to leaving the EU.
John would have Britain continue in the EU, for reasons that are entirely British…”You can reap the benefits while still being a total d*ck about everything…It’s the British way! Oliver’s advice continues; “To the people of the UK I say this. if you need your hatred of the EU itch scratched, I understand, but please don’t vote vote for that Br-Exit on Thursday. I have a better solution, I’d like to retroactively enter that EU anthem competition….With a song straight out of every British heart that both relentlessly insults Europe and quietly acknowledges how lost we’d be without it. ” It sounds so nice when they say or sing it!