Samantha Bee breaks down the story of how Christian conservatives went from politically inactive to never shutting the hell up. Before their political reawakening, Fundies took the same view of politics that they did of sex (for fun), saying ; “it’s a dirty and ungodly business and no Christian should be involved.” Of course, that was before they saw how much control they could swing behind the shield of religion. The heady days of – sorry, ‘lording it over’ gays, women, and people of color are behind them. Their last stand is in the form of a ridiculous bathroom ban. Sam notes;
“When North Carolina Republicans tried to get people to the polls with a bathroom culture war, the country held their head in the toilet while the Attorney General gave them a swirlie.”
Do you suppose evangelicals are angry much? Sam believes Trump’s appeal is quite simply about anger and white nativism, and it makes sense. If they cared about religion, why would they dispose of lmade-to-order Ted Cruz, and embrace the candidate Sam describes as; “the thrice-married, foul-mouthed tit-judge, who loves Planned Parenthood and thinks Corinthians is a kind of car upholstery.” It appears that Trump is the perfect candidate for a group that’s not ‘about’ what they profess to be, either. #NotAllChristians