A Colorado woman who was arrested for groping an agent at a Phoenix airport is facing felony sex abuse charges. It seems that turnabout is not fair play in the TSA screening area.
The screener claims that the woman ‘grabbed, squeezed, and twisted’ her breast.
Facebook pages such as "Acquit Yukari Mihamae" and the "Yukari Mihamae defense fund" are growing. The pages feature such hyperbole as "Yukari is a 21st Century Rosa Parks!" This may be a far stretch, but it certainly shows the dissatisfaction and frustration of the flying public.
RJ Adds: Sadly it is going to take a successful pass through of 8 year old, an 80 year old with a bomb, or an underwear, or prosthetic breast or balls bomb to get our puritan public to toughen up. If I were al Qaeda I would watch for examples of exactly what the public is upset with. Hopefully they will get caught before the kaboom.