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1st Amendment firstly about religion THEN about speech

1st Amendment religion THEN speech

I have to take issue with this. Especially in lieu of the murders at Charlie Hebdo being ALL ABOUT religious intolerance. Specifically the religion of ISLAM acted out by MUSLIMS. As you read this there is a state or terrorist sponsored horrific act of violence going on in the name of Islam somewhere or other.

Those who will tell the truth about this matter such as Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher and myself make the unintended point that Christianity sure looks good by comparison. Fox News does the same but that is their only intent.

A reminder that I have penned this here time and again. The first ten words of the United States Bill of Rights:

Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion… 

Those first ten words of the Bill of Rights in our Constitution are not the first ten words by chance. The founders new full well that by putting them at the very top they were making them the centerpiece of the new nation. The jumping off point, the most important factor of their new constitution.

These men had in their lifetimes not only experienced the religious intolerance at play in Europe that was the root of three centuries of war, but throughout New England as well. They saw religion tied to government as the greatest deterrent to democracy and a free society in their world. Free speech, redress and assembly came after that.

Oh, and single shot guns for state militias came later.