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American Gun Culture in our DNA

American Gun Culture in our DNA

So many mass gun murders in high schools, movie theaters, restaurants and even kindergartens haven’t changed a thing, will members of THE MEDIA getting shot on camera change anything? Not hardly.

Donald Trump said yesterday that he is for NO NEW GUN LAWS – as are all other GOP candidates for President. Which means terrorists, gang bangers, convicts and the insane can buy a gun from a gun show or the guy next door no questions asked. No universal background checks either. No limit on magazine size so anyone able to buy 40 or even 100 round clips from anyone anywhere at anytime. As they can buy cop killing bullets and body armor. It’s what we call American Exceptionalism. The very basis of what a Christian nation is about.

The only hope is for a Democrat President to replace two Republican Supreme Court justices and regain the House and Senate. And even then I don’t know.