To put it as calmly and nicely as I am able, white trash has taken over America and it’s contagious. Wear a mask.
The Jesus Variant So, your plan is to do a human genocide again? Yeah, worked okay last time, I did give them a boat. But…
“Peaceful transition? We will have to see.”
Crazier than scifi!
In the Ohio town of Bethel population 2400, a thousand armed Trump anti BLM protestors, including 250 from biker gangs faced off against 80…
It is time for the Democrats to redefine “Medicare for All” as the less catchy “Medicare Advantage for All.” Killing the entire health insurance industry…
I am watching this and Jessica Jones at the same time. One is fun and one is not. Nothing out of that box has ever…
Right on the money. Nail on the head. Home run. Michael de Adder Fired by Brunswick News, Brunswick, Canada, sole owner, James K. Irving one of…
To most “Home Theater” means either a soundbar with a 4″ bass speaker or a gigantic room with thousands of dollars of furniture and projections…
Trump and family are back in the U.S. fresh off his European tour of doing and saying dumb things in important places. Seth observes; “Whenever…
Are you having a bad day? Consider for a moment, whether your day rates anywhere near the Wednesday that set Cameron Jeffrey Wilson’s very bad,…
Blast from the past – I wrote this in 1993 What if they did manage to overturn Roe vs Wade Republican legislation cutting programs for…
After a Georgia parent found their 15 year old daughter 6 weeks pregnant from Uncle Bubba the daughter was told that she could not have…