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American Hereitics Benjamin R. Barber Sanford Levinson on Bill Moyers

Bill Moyer’s Journal on Dec 21 had on two guests who take to task the very core of what America is. American Heretics.

The first half of the Bill Moyer’s Journal was with Benjamin R. Barber and his latest book, CONSUMED: HOW MARKETS CORRUPT CHILDREN, INFANTILIZE ADULTS, AND SWALLOW CITIZENS WHOLE, which explains how American capitalism undermines democracy.

"Capitalism has put democracy in trouble, because capitalism has tried to persuade us that being a private consumer is enough. That a citizen is nothing more than a consumer." Benjamin R. Barber

A matter of Supply Side Economics. Fill warehouses to the brink and then pay the highest salaries for psychologists and marketers to THEN sell it all whether anyone wants it or not. More on Barber with video at PBS

The second guest was Univerisity of Texas Law School professor Sanford Levinson and author of, OUR UNDEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTION: WHERE THE CONSTITUTION GOES WRONG (AND HOW WE THE PEOPLE CAN CORRECT IT), who explains that our Constitiution is not democratic and in need of change.

Levinson’s three main main points are the veto power of one man, the President, who can stop any legistation he wishes, the Senate which gives states with tiny populations as much power as California and New York and that we can only rid ourselves of dangerous incompetent morons through impeachment for "high crimes and misdemeanors" when we should be able to just kick their ass out the door when necessary. More on Levinson with video at PBS