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BERGDAHLI! Jon Stewart does the Bowe Bergdahl story


bergdahli!That’s mine! But I am sure many other great minds have come up with it by now too.

It just never ends, Every time President Obama DOES THE RIGHT THING, it’s another scandal that not only the GOP will jump on, but force the for profit media to play over and over and over.

I remember back when local video stores reigned heavy. I went down to my local Dumbutt, Texas video store around the corner and couldn’t find the recently released DO THE RIGHT THING movie by Spike Lee. I asked the middle ages white owner for it and he told me he does not carry racist material or movies. I mentioned it was not racist but about racism. He laughed and told me some “nword” made it so it’s racist.

This attitude has carried on. Doing the right thing is bad enough for Republicans, but an African American forcing them to do the right thing is the stuff of OPEN CARRY.