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Bill Maher: Douglas MacKinnon asks South to secede in New Nation called Reagan

Reagan, it just feels white.

Douglas MacKinnon is a moron

Douglas MacKinnon a Republican speech writer for both Ronald Reagan and George H Bush is out pushing his new book “The Secessionist States of America: The Blueprint for Creating a Traditional Values Country … Now,”

Calling the Civil War “an illegal war” An immediate call for Florida, Georgia and South Carolina to secede from the Union and form a “Christian family values form of government.” Doug MacKinnon leaves out Texas because their are already too many Mexicans there fouling thing up for it to work. But but but… Mexicans are even more Christians than Americans and have much better family values. Bigotry and racism is confusing. Read more on this at Raw Story, Author says South should form new nation without gays and Hispanics called ‘Reagan’

Here are some cool excerpts from Douglas MacKinnon’s book:

The South seceded legally  and peacefully… President Lincoln waged an illegal war that was, in fact, not declared against the South after the South basically did what we’re talking about in this book now in terms of peacefully, legally and constitutionally leaving the union.

They want to do away with the rule-of-law, expand the nanny state into a theology, bankrupt or punish American companies in the name of fighting climate change, do away with the 2nd Amendment, censor or demonize the history of western civilization and replace it with multiculturalism, give every kid a trophy and turn them into wimps, continue to support the completely unfunded public-employee pensions which are destroying the financial solvency of cities, counties, and states across our nation, add billions every day to our $17 trillion in debt, destroy our health-care system to substitute socialized medicine, vilify fossil fuels, and attack all faith in God with a particular and unhinged bias against the Christian faith.”

Keep in mind this is from one who served what we now call the moderate wing of the GOP in Ronald Reagan and H W Bush.