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Bill Moyers Lets Republican Wingnuts Have it, Sept 4, 2009 video

We may hear this kind of truthiness from Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart, but here it is from one of the most respected journalists in the world who btw, is also a Baptist Minister. It doesn’t get any more WELL SAID than this. Video and transcript at Bill Moyers

This has been going on since April 15th when the Wingnut Tea Parties began screeching about taxes, socialism and Obama. By July it had throttled up into full blown Birther racism. August it went rabid as Fox News and talk radio sponsored town hall disruptions with guns and screams of NAZI. It has now fallen even deeper into wingnut hate and ignorance as they intend to keep their children from going to school so not to be exposed to ANYTHING a black President – who they believe has no business in their WHITE House – has to say.