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Daily Show Trevor Noah spins the Donald / Hillary Debate

928vvv“If a jackass is leading the mule train than so be it.” Trump supporter on voting for conservative values no matter who it may be.  1930s Germany and Italy aside, we experienced this issue 20 years ago in Louisiana when well known KKK Grand Dragon – who bragged at the time about celebrating Hitler’s birthday and hating Jews – won over 40% of the Louisiana statewide vote, TWICE, once for Senator and once for Governor. And by the way, he is going at that again hoping for a win on the coattails of Donald Trump.

As to the debate, who won it is more than obvious, it is right there to see, but in Trump World it was a huge win. Any problems were because of microphones and moderators. We will not see any polls till the end of the week but I expect to see little of any change. That is how much white people hate Mexicans, Muslims, African Americans and smart women.