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Dick “Barney Fag” Armey snipes Chris Matthews as old and out of touch

It appears that Chris Matthew’s fatal flaw was to compare the Teabaggers to the Muslim Brotherhood, and the ugliest hound-dog in the party came nipping at Matthew’s heels.

I couldn’t resist the irony of (a-hem) fresh-faced young Dick "Barney Fag" Armey, mental giant and Chairman of Freedomworks, implying that Chris Matthews is over the hill and ‘out of touch.’ One thing is consistent with this group, there is never an intelligent counter-argument.

RJ Addendum: Dick Armey is right about one thing, the comparison is in error. The Muslim Brotherhood "seeks change through non violent means" while the Tea Party is about assault rifles with 30 round clips, targeting the opposition in gun sights, second amendment remedies and armed revolution if necessary.

But the undeniable truth in this matter is that the Muslim Brotherhood has the same ideology and plan as American Evangelical Christianity. To do everything possible to bring more people and places  under their religious fundamentalist persuasion and to force as much of it as they can get away with into the public, into government and into the Law. 

Remember, the Republican Party goes nowhere without the fear of… Commies, Soviets, Socialists, Marxists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, Atheists, Environmentalists, Evolutionists, Europeans, Japs, Arabs, Chinamen, Unions, Muslims, Negroes and of late the most scary of them all, Mexicans!