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Do as Rush Limbaugh Says YOU DITTOHEADS! Anderson

Nothing new there, the so called Republican Party weekly TALKING POINTS has been mostly initiated by Rush Limbaugh since the House under Newt Gingrich made him an honorary member in 1995. But it sure is a weighty subject to grab hold of! Presidents use teleprompters!  OH MY GOD!

Unlike some of my peers, I have a strong stomach and listen to Rush fairly often. You may not know it, but that loud obnoxious friend, neighbor, relative or co worker of yours who babels out right-wing arguments at you is for the most part quoting what Rush Limbaugh told them either yesterday or today.  It is most often Limbaugh they recite as the words and thoughts of Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Dr Laura or Mike Savage translate into such silly crap it doesn’t fly at all beyond the base.

I have an old pal in Florida who I talk to several times a year, when we are done telling our funny old stories he begins his political rants… Much to his surprise I often stop him midway and finish what he was saying for him.  I then add, "John! You are dittoheading Rush Limbaugh VERBATIM! I know you are! Can’t you think up any of this disgusting right-wing crap on your own? You have to be helped across the street by a buffoon?" His conservative erection sags.