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Donald Trump wants to punch protester in the face

Donald Trump wants to protester in the faceWhat to do with protesters goes without saying, punch them in the face and carry them out on a stretcher and the fans cheer. Just who we need with his finger on the button.

Every interview I have seen with Trump fans say the same thing, “I love how he says what I am thinking!” Because down deep I am an awful person.

How can Trump fans be so intrinsically awful?  The Donald said it himself right at the beginning of this speech. “We won with poorly educated, I love the poorly educated! They are the smartest people, the most loyal people.” He knows his base.

I can’t think of ever agreeing with Glenn Beck on anything but I have to give him credit for being one of the few pundits who will say want needs to be said about The Donald

 “You want somebody who has divide us, who is grooming Brownshirts? I was at the caucus last night. I had never seen anything like it. These Trump supporters were beyond recognition as anything I’ve ever seen — rude, vile, nasty.” Glenn Beck, a die hard Ted Cruz the Lunatic shrill even before the “punch out” quote.

The most serious problem with all this is that Donald Trump can win the White House because many independents, moderates and Democrats are just as rude, vile, nasty and uneducated as the Republican Base.