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Fox News John Stossel has Ron Paul fake debate a Fake Obama

This is the most over the top piece of Right-wing propaganda I have ever witnessed. And on so many levels!

The "fair and balanced" silliness aside. Beyond a fake Obama AND a fake debate.  Moving past having the two most extreme Ayn Randian selfish Right-wing nutcakes in America pretending to be well meaning independents. The real horror is how "The Media" falsely presents Libertarians [and these two clowns in particular] as cute, likeable intellectuals outside the Republican fold. EXCUSE ME! The only reason the RNC does not back Libertarian candidates is because they can’t win. If they could win the GOP would be genuflecting to the alter of John Galt too.

A reminder. The CATO Institute is THE Ayn Rand Libertarian think tank of America. FOUNDED, SEEDED and SUPPORTED with 10s of millions of dollars a year by the Koch Brothers. And what do the Billionaire Koch Brothers do. OIL AND GAS. 

These people represent the most extreme Right-wing SWILL in the conservative movement, its fruition makes a Mad Max movie seem a chruch picnic.  In fact the gospel from these guys is the most extreme example of the "virtue of selfishness" in the world. Yes, IN THE WORLD! How anyone, yet alone the entire media – including Jay Leno, David Letterman, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, etc – give Ron Paul a free ride is beyond me.  Instead of softball questions and kissing his ass how about some real questions?

Why not ask Ron Paul if he accepts evolution?
Why did Ron Paul say 95% of Blacks in DC are criminals?
Why should Black boys be tried as adults?
What is to be done with doctors who murder babies (or the women involved)?
What’s this about you disagreeing with the Voting Rights Act of 1964?
Without regulations, what about the environment, free market has a great record on that hey?
What will you do to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid?
And most importantly, "Mr Paul, after you eliminate the IRS how will you collect revenues?"

That last one Ron Paul gives a real answer rather than his smiley "I would let the states decide that" crap. [The evil little clown doesn’t even know HIS SIDE lost the Civil War.]

Rather he gives a smug direct answer, "We would not need revenues to support small government." You see all that encompasses? Public education gone to evangelical indoctrination centers, like Saudi Arabia. That’s just one of hundreds of such examples with the RESULTS of this Looneytarian crap.

And those millions of young followers in his audiences and on the net? What about them? I’ll tell you whats on their minds.  Moving up to a Lexus is about as deep as they go.

As to Stossel? When his Right-wing swill reaches that fevered pitch – which ABC allowed him to do for 20 years – I always click this video.


Run Johnny Run!