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Fox News Living Room

Fox News Living Room

Have you heard that an undocumented Mexican killed a woman in San Francisco last week and this weekend an undocumented Mexican raped a 13 year old girl so it follows that undocumented Mexicans are murderers and rapists.

Keeping that in mind, I have an 80 something widow living next door. Over the years I have been in her kittylitered home to help her with her computer and plumbing and such. Also when I walk between the houses I can see into her kitchen window to the TV in her adjoining den. Fox News channel is always on, 24/7 as far as I can tell. Though I do assume in prime time she may watch hospital shows as she was once a nurse. So it follows that 80 year old widows watch Fox News exclusively.

Widows aside, most every wingnut I know, and believe me I know a lot of them, have Fox News as their default TV channel and whenever in their car listen to Rush Limbuagh of some other Right-wing talk radio host. They don’t even Google, they just move from Drudge to Max News to the Washington Times, never ever crawling out from under that bubble that reeks of so much intolerance, bigotry presented in such an angry hatefilled manner. And anyone who says it’s the same on this side is full of poop.

I watch 3 hours of Joe Scarborough most every day. I watch milquetoast CNN in the background most often with my only partisan politics an hour of Chris Matthews a few times a week. I admit to listening to All things considered quite often, but I also try and do a few hours of Rush a week to keep on board.  Oh and I do watch Fox & Friends some mornings for the laughs. It is truly amazing. Give it a try, just one hour of it and you start feeling like Albert Einstein. Much like what moving to Texas did for my ego some 35 years ago. In just a matter of weeks I went from a regular dude in Wisconsin to the smartest guy in an entire state.