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Gay marriage strengthens straight marriage, Plante cartoon

gay marriage good

On a related subject.  With the Republicans and Christians now on the run over this issue of gay and women’s rights, I have been hearing the old argument that if there is no God or Ten Commandments on a wall, then what is to stop them from pillaging, raping and murdering people just for the fun of it?

This has got me questioning my own views on religion.  The smart and powerful have always fed this silly crap to the masses to keep them in line. It’s the SHHHHHHH  ideology.  Pretend to believe it so it becomes real to those one wants to Lord over.

I have always understood how important it is to feed religion to prisoners, children, death beds, addicts, the miserable, the lonely, the poor and morons.  So I know that taking religion away would be cruel to all these people. So smart people should pretend it’s all real for their sake. That has been the story for about 100,000 years or so.

But with this argument that there is nothing other than fear of God keeping them from murdering the rest of us just for the Hell of it, it portends these people were indeed born violent, evil killers. And if Fear of God is the only thing keeping these tens of millions of would be murderers from killing the rest of us, then perhaps it’s time for me to pretend it’s real too.