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George Will says Mike Huckabee is a vibrato, Maddow polls Huckabees embarrassing week

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Rachel Maddow’s public opinion poll revealed which of three incidents this week that viewers thought was Huckabee’s most embarrassing moment. We’ll return to the poll, because I know you’re more interested in what fellow conservative George Will said about the Huckster, which I thought showed great restraint. Is this a sad case of America’s dirty minds, or did Will lack the courage to call Huck a "D" word instead?

"Sensible Americans…must…be detecting vibrations of weirdness emanating from people associated with the party….The most recent vibrator is Mike Huckabee…"

I won’t spoil the poll by giving the questions which are on this video. However, for those of you playing along at home, here are the answers which were revealed later in the show. A. 34% B. 41% C. 25% of 9,000 viewers thought these incidents were the most embarrassing of the week. He can only top himself in the week to come!