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Grover Norquist admits drug filled orgy with taxes: ONION

Grover Norquist: ‘I Engaged In A Week-Long Drug-Fueled Orgy With Corporate Income Taxes’

THE honcho and founder of Americans for Tax Reform Grover Norquist, has been outed by ‘The Onion’ as carrying on a sordid fling with his sworn enemy taxes! The duplicity is shocking. Norquist has continued to pressure Republicans to sign his ‘Taxpayer Protection Pledge’ while – as we now know, he carried on multiple affairs and orgies with numerous kinds of taxes; income taxes, sales taxes and, even, estate taxes, for over 28 years!

Signers and faithful proponents of Norquist’s "Taxpayer Protection Pledge," including current GOP presidential hopefuls, have yet to respond to Norquist’s shocking announcement.