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Stupid scientists don’t like guns!

mentally ill gun enthusiasts

“There’s scientific consensus on guns – and the NRA won’t like it,” David Hemenway, a professor at Harvard’s School of Public Health writes after taking a survey of fellow scientists in the health field. Full article at Christian Science Monitor

Poll from the scientists completing the survey found:

Aa gun in the home increases the chance that a woman living there will be murdered (72 percent agreed, 11 percent disagreed),

Strict gun control laws reduce homicide (71 percent agreed versus 12 percent diagreed.

More permissive gun laws have not reduced crime rates (62 percent agree versus 9 percent disagree).

Guns are used more often in crimes that in self-defense (73 percent agreed versus 8 percent disagreed).

A gun in the home makes it a more dangerous place to be (64 percent agree versus 5 percent disagree).

Eighty-four percent of the respondents said that having a firearm at home increased the risk of suicide.

Of course this is what “scientists” think, and what do they know? Americans know best about the lies of evolution, global warming and gun grabbers.

A 2014 Gallup poll found that since 2000 twice as many Americans –  63% now say that having a gun in the house makes it a safer place to be. During that same 15 year time period those saying they have a gun for home protection rather than hunting has doubled as have those who believe gun rights are more important than gun controls. All this while most Americans believe gun crime is surging when in the past 20 years it has dropped 50%.

But you see that is what science, facts, studies, done by universities, smart people and the left-wing media say so it’s all crap. Ask Jesus, God or the NRA – which are all the same thing. Intelligent American Voters MY ASS.