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Hey NRA, No One’s Gonna Take Away Your Freakin’ Guns!

Hey NRA, No One's Gonna Take Away Your Friggin' Guns!

Lauren Mayer tries to assure gun lovers that sensible gun control will not lead to the apocalypse.  The President has never once threatened to grab anyone’s guns, not ever! Still many camo-clad warriors are barricaded, waiting for  government troops to crash through the door! Why would the NRA want to spread such a vicious lie?  This isn’t a trick question, but I’ll bet your gun-loving friends can’t or won’t tell you the answer. No one wants to admit to being manipulated.

Gun lovers can name a plethora of things to be frightened of, but have they looked at the adorable toddlers in our midst?  In the U.S. more people are killed by ‘good guy’ toddlers with a gun, than by terrorists!  If the gun lobby is opposed to effective legislation, I guess we’d better start building a wall to keep those trigger happy toddlers out.  Legislation would simply tighten loopholes that allow many guns to be purchased without so much as a background check. No one can find fault with that tiny bit of legislation – not rationally.