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Humpty, AKA Newt Gingrich takes a great fall, Horsey cartoon:

Newt Gingrich is the egghead and ‘intellectual’ of the GOP. This would be much more impressive, were we not comparing him to My Pet Bush. Still, Newt is credited with reworking the old conservative stand-bys, shining them up, and turning them into new sounding ideas.

Long time presidential flirting aside, Newt found himself trapped into actually running. Soon, we saw his disinterest made manifest and egg on his face. When he dared to speak the truth about Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare-killing budget plan, calling it “right wing social engineering," he reversed himself immediately under a torrent of conservative criticism. It didn’t help, nobody likes a bling-festooned flip flopper. Horsey is prophetic. Fox ‘News’ has become the stable for political hacks on their way up or down, and Newt would fill Beck’s wingtips just fine.