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Inequity of State tax rates reflects GOP elimination of the IRS

Regressive state tax rates

State taxes are far more regressive than Federal taxes, though this is true in all states, it is especially onerous in states like Texas and Florida where there is no state income tax, check it out on this interactive map.

Only the federal income tax helps even out this burden upon poor, working poor and middle class Americans. No wonder Republicans so despise the federal government and want to eliminate the IRS. Imagine these state tax rates applied universally? Which is what they are after.

Now attach the inequity of state taxes to what we learned in Ferguson with the white police force financing itself and the city by singling out poor African Americans with harassment ticketing. Which the rest of us did not learn of until the sht hit the fan recently. Or the racist nature of not only the city of Ferguson and their police force, but the thousands of such cities all over America. But no, that’s not what we want to talk about, rather let’s only talk about how he didn’t have his hands up which means all African Americans are liars and racism does not exist.

So as you can see, the basis of Republican ideology, states rights taday, states rights tamarra and states rights foevea, is not just about putting African Americans and gays in their place, it also keeps the tax rates of the wealthy around 5 times LESS than our poorest.

I was reading up on the 25 day long British election process the other day. I found that they didn’t even have debates until just four years ago. And the election season was just recently extended to 25 days. The short political season is because the English people – who are closest to our own culture – don’t like politics and pay little if any attention to it. Just 25 days every few years is more than enough for them.

This is the case because like Australia, the Brits agree with how their government works and is applied. So why is it so different than the divisive political hatred endemic to American politics?

Sure those other English speaking nations all agree that universal healthcare is a basic human right. They don’t have millions of people following a scumbag like Ted Nugent around carrying assault rifles into McDonalds. Their TVs are not filled with crazy ass preachers demanding money or a ticket to Hell. Their radio airwaves are not dominated by the likes of right-wing uglies like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Michael Savage. They don’t even have a right-wing news network. And above all, there is no region in Great Britain that was and still reeks of racism and religious intolerance which about a third of America suffers. Oh, and another third of it filled with Jesus and pig manure.

The British pretty much enjoy the large size of their government, their version of conservative politics is trying to keep the costs down rather than destroying it and replacing it with Sharia Law.

The problem here in America is that the media allows the Republican Party – which is the most radical right-wing political entity in the civilized world – to get away with their callous, intolerant, bigotry for fear of losing advertising dollars.