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Jessica Williams, when war is not a war, Daily Show

It’s not war it’s: Counter terrorism strategy involving open and declared armed conflict.

jessica williams not a warRemember too, Vietnam was not a war either, it was a POLICE ACTION. Iraq War was a Coalition of the Willing.

I keep wondering what would happen if we just walked away from the region? There’s a billion of them, most of whom have their brains dawdling in the 15th Century. It’s much like the Spanish Inquisition all over again. Which begs the question… Beheading or torture followed by burning alive?

The Muslim countries in the region don’t give a rat’s ass about beheadings, stonings, religious executions or even genocide of other religions. What they care about are these upstarts stealing oil, disrupting their power structure, and causing an overflow of refugees on their borders.

My guess is that if we bowed out one of three things would happen.

The other Muslim nations would be forced to deal with it themselves.

A large Muslim Caliph State would be created in the region with no reason to bother us any longer.And as more and more Americans are saying, we need more religion in our politics and government. Really!

Israel with their backs against the sea, would turn the entire area, including Iran, into a nuclear wasteland. Terrorists would then be easy to spot as they would glow.