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Jon Stewart, Catholics Recruiting Homo Hating Episcopalians

Once a Catholic myself I often find myself defending the faith over that of our so uniquely American dim bulb evangelical preachers. Though on reflection I have to own up to that error whenever I look over that list of the worst of our Wingnut Mob from Right-wing Hell: Antonin "Benito" Scalia, Clarence "Slappy" Thomas, Alan "Nutcake" Keyes!, William "Fatty Fatty Boom-Boom" Bennett, Bill "Asshole" O’Reilly, Sean "Dimbulb" Hannity, Pat and Bay "As White as it Gets" Buchanann, B1 Bob "Drunk and Disorderly" Dornan! and guess who just went to the Vatican to expedite his conversion to the one true faith? NEWT GINGRICH!