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Jon Stewart explains the War on Fox News!

To prove their point that Fox News is fair and balanced and should be treated as any other news source:

They have compared the War on Fox to the Civil War and the War on Terrorism.

They have compared themselves to Radio Free Europe and Barack Obama to Joe Stalin.

They have compared elementary school children singing a song about successful Black men – including Barack Obama – North Korean indoctrination.

There is no better video explaining how the few hours of actual News a day at Fox News works. News to the Fox News people turns out to be what their cadre of opinion pundits have to say about the news!

This so called War on Fox is not only long overdue but more than welcome.

It brings to the forefront the extreme unfairness, unbalanced Republican propaganda, the dishonesty and above all the hateful rhetoric this silly news channel is TO THE 95% OF AMERICAN VOTERS WHO ARE NOT ON THEIR MAILING LIST! While it also better defines all those traits to the KIND OF PEOPLE who vote Republican.