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Jon Stewart with Gitmo on normalizing relations with Cuba

GItmo, Daily show cubaRecognizing Cuba only 90 miles away and treating at least as well as we treat Iran and China is the long overdue “right thing to do.”  Not only right but the good, kind and smart thing to do which will benefit all 12 million souls there living in poverty.

The majority of Americans want this. And it was Pope Francis who made it happen. Christians outside America just have no understanding of what Christian means.

So who could possibly be against such a good smart right thing to do?  How about the Republican Party, well other than Arizona Senator Jeff Flake who has already showed his true colors by doing an island survival TV show with a… DEMOCRAT.

What in the Hell is happening to Arizona? My God, Jan Brewer accepted the ACA Medicaid money! John McCain bucked the GOP by denouncing torture the other day! A Republican renouncing torture?  Come on, vengeance, torture and kicking the poor around is what Republicans stand for. And over the past few months not to forget a good hard punch in the face to Hispanics and African Americans. Oh and the guns to keep it that way.

So, if things go well down there in Cuba, and we Americans manage to get the casinos, the prostitution, the drugs and organized crime up and running, we may see Cuba come back to it’s glory days under the Batista regime. Here’s hoping.