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Jon Stewart, Indianapolis American Idol for the Homeless

This is beyond disgusting…

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon – Thurs 11p / 10cIndianapolis
10cIndianapolis Homeless Talent Show
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Watching this after the SOFTU speech and rebuttal(s) I could not but help think how the President, Republicans, the media and the rest of America has made these people invisible. The massive numbers of unemployed are swept under the rug, so are the mentally and all the misery caused by lost homes  doubling and tripling up in ever smaller apartments, our troops returning to addiction, domestic violence, suicide and murder. We would not hear about any of that at all if it were not for PBS’s Frontline and Independent Lens – which not surprisingly Republicans want so badly to destroy.

Here we have a black Local News Anchor from Indiana defining present day American political ideology. Getting the poor monkeys to sing for their supper with no NONE zero ZIP naught NADA word or thought to help these people out of their misery other than hoping some wealthy person MAY one day give ONE of them a hand. But the government lending a hand to all of them is no longer even an option we talk about in public.  The homeless are not mentioned in the constitution.

The Republicans shout boldly and loudly that if it is not in the constitution then it is not anything Americans should be concerned with. While the President and Democrats must go along or be voted out of office in mass once again come the next election.

What we have learned over the past two years is that Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent, Michele Bachmann and Joe the Plumber are smarter than MOST Americans.

I am sure that when you read your newspaper you too see that the first areas to be drastically cut rather than increase taxes on the wealthy, are  in pre school programs, firing teachers, closing schools and community colleges and raising college tuition beyond middle class means. Which makes everyone even dumber than they already are, which in turn increases the vote for more and more Republicans.