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Jon Stewart: Interview with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Here is an article with a list of positives! Attractive lady, smart woman, great Senator and a nice person looking out for the rest of us. UNHEARD OF IN THIS TODAY’S POLITICAL CLIMATE.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Kirsten Gillibrand
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The reason we have so few elected officials like Kirsten Gillibrand is primarily the largest single voting bloc in America will not tolerate it: That 30% Evangelical Hillbilly vote. Which little if anything can be done about, for Jesus is armed, dangerous and doesn’t give a crap about anyone but ME.  And to make this brand of religion even more attractive, I can DO whatever I wish to anyone I wish, my deeds don’t matter a wit, only the intensity of my belief gains me everlasting live and bliss. It’s all about a win win for ME! BTW, go fk yerself.