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Jon Stewart makes Chris Wallace say Fox News NOT fair and balanced

What is PRICELESS about this is the editing proves Stewart’s point even more than his argument or the facts of the matter.
ENTIRE UNEDITED: Chris Wallace Fox News Sunday with Jon Stewart, june 19 2011

background-color:#FFFFFF;padding:4px;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:0px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">The Daily Show – Fox News Channel – Fair & Balanced
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Though Fox News is as far removed from being fair and balanced as its talk radio counterpart, the Fox News audience accepts that lie just as easily as they accept cave men hunting dinosaurs, climate change being a hoax, Science is wrong and stupid and after winning the GOP debate, Michele Bachmann is the GOP’s intellectual hope for 2012.

Hello media! I am still waiting for one of you to ask Michele Bachmann how tall Jesus is. Oral Roberts University, where she got her law degree, says Jesus is 900 feet tall. Big shoulders are required to carry Oral Roberts and true believers up to heaven during the rapture. Do the math!