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Jon Stewart, Sam Bee, Larry Wilmore and Aasif Mandvi do NPR Juan Williams

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
NPR Staffing Decision 2010
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

What they missed in this one is the book Fox News lives by, Dreams of our Future, in which each and every morning the entire Fox News gang gets down on their knees and prays that some idiot at PBS or NPR will fire a black guy for some dumbass PC remark. For not only will it give back Andrew Brietbart back his credibility, give the silly Republican propaganda machine known as Fox News credibility, give the bigoted sexist Bill O’Reilly credibility, give Juan Williams millions of dollars,  send an extra million or so Republicans to the voting booths, but also will be the impetus for the new Republican led House to completely remove all government funding from both NPR and PBS. In fact I bet it will now be the first order of business come January.

I mean really, talk about walking right into the trap. Easily the dumbest political mistake of 2010.

And… It will have a residual effect for years to come. As you may know, the real political fight is rural versus urban. Look at any state colored red and blue, over 90% of the landmass in most every state is deep red. The only news small towns get in America is their very conservative biased  local newspapers, 24/7 Right-wing talk radio, 24/7 Right-wing religious programs and the non conservative biased NPR, and local PBS TV. It is the only rational information they get. Without it they is nothing but Right-wing swill.