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Jon Stewart Tells Rush Limbaugh to Get the FCK Out of New York

Rush Limbaugh announced yesterday that because New York taxes are rising on those of us who make more than $500,000 a year – Rush is a Populist – he is moving completely out of the State. There not being enough wrong with politics in Florida, Rush Limbaugh – along with Matt Drudge and Ann Coulter who live not far down the road from him – is now a pure Floridian! Praise the Lord and pass the Orange Juice! All about Rush Limbaugh here on Kick!

Speaking of Florida Orange Juice, they chose Anita Bryant as their spokesman for a generation who traveled the land screeching and hollering about fags, so to clean up their image they then hired Right-wing lardass Rush Limbaugh for most of a decade, and then to clean up that faimly image of a three times divorced morphine addict they hired Right-wing gun loon Tom Selleck to speak for them.

Please, Florida Orange Juice should only be used for douche and enema purposes and should be at the top of anyone’s boycott list, please. If fact Forida Orange Juice is so connected to Right-wing intolerance and bigotry that whenever I notice a new checkout cashier down at the Kroger I pick up a carton and after it goes through the scanner, I tell the new cashier to remove it while I explain about Anita Bryant, Rush Limbaugh and now the NRA’s Tom Selleck. I do not know if it helps any, but I enjoy the process.