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Jon Stewart, Tennessee Republican Stacey Campfield says no welfare for stupid kids

stacey CampfieldSo what comes to mind first? Even before understanding it is Southern Evangelical Christianity that drives this crap? I know what you are thinking!  Boy oh boy, Stacey Campfield  most certainly would not have got any welfare when he was in school! So does this mean no welfare for any White Southern Christian kids? Or just black ones?

What an idea, take food away from children who flunk math.  You see how religion addles the brain? The ability to reason or use logic and to have even a concept of common sense, all blown to the wind of losing that war. It is so powerful that these people can look themselves in the mirror every morning and say, I MAY BE STUPID BUT I HAVE AS MUCH OKRA, KUDZU AND SPANISH MOSS AS I CAN EAT.