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Jon Stewart: THAT Obama’s YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT gaff


So… That happened was President Obama took a verbal shortcut. Looking at what he actually was saying, it is clear that he meant that the YOU DIDN’T BUILT THE ROADS AND BRIDGES AND INFASTRUCTURE. But got lazy and said “THAT” instead.  A shortcut turned into a major gaff because most Republicans are too thick to understand what THAT THAT is.  THAT is a universal problem. [Writing here over the years I bet everyday I have to decide if I need that THAT or not.  Comes up all the time…]

So the Romney Campaign, and Fox News and Talk Radio knowingly latch on to the that-gaff and turn it into Marxism. When you have to base your campaign on a lie which everyone knows is a lie, you are in deed trouble.

So to be FAIR, which of course Fox and Romney have no conception of, we must say the Obama Campaign is equally dishonest in using the Romeny quote “I like firing people.”

NO!  It is not equal or the same.  The context was Romeny defending his time at Bain and firing people who did not do the job well enough. Whether people are good at what they do, or mediocre, or fail, it is still unpleasant to fire people. Except for sociopaths who personally enjoy hurting others. Romeny likes that.  Oops, didn’t mean THAT, I meant Romney likes firing people. The Christian Republican Base likes hearing that!  Oops there I go again. The Christian  Republican Base LIKES hearing how much Romney LIKES to fire people. It’s what Jesus would say.