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Kansas Tax Cuts and the Big State Dildo Sale – Seth Meyers

Kansas Tax Cuts and the Big State Dildo Sale - Seth Meyers

Seth Meyers looks at Kansas Governor Sam Brownback’s tax cut plan, in which he offered his state as an experiment so  Republicans could say ‘yes, this works, let’s use it nationally’ – except Kansas is selling boxes of dildos to help make up the shortfall.

Brpwnback’s plan put typical  Republican remedies into action, such as cutting taxes completely to small businesses, and drastically lowering taxes to the wealthy.  To say that the plan is failing dismally is a nice way of saying Kansas is flat broke, and owing a ton of money. While Brownback auctions a warehouse full of adult toys, and plans to drastically slash funds to education, some of the businesses are begging to be taxed!

Seth Meyers presents the sad facts of Brownback’s shortfalls in his typically clear way and with abundant  humor, on par with Jon Stewart, Sam Bee and John Oliver. Only in America could an experiment fail so badly that it bankrupts a state, yet still be touted as the cure for an entire country. Seth has several of these beauties, but for a start, he observes;  ‘There’s nothing like selling fake dicks for a problem created by a real one.”