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Kathleen Parker claims Bart Stupak a Judas

"After the Sunday
vote, a group of Democrats, including Stupak, gathered in a pub to
celebrate. In a biblical moment, New York Rep. Anthony Weiner was
spotted planting a big kiss on Stupak’s cheek. To a Catholic man
well-versed in the Gospel, this is not a comforting gesture." Kathleen Parker Calls Stupak a Judas

Columnist Kathleen Parker made a name for herself last year as one of the last "moderate" Republicans. Mostly due to her saying Sarah Palin is not ready to become President of the United States and that Joe the Plumber was not the sharpest knife in the drawer. [BTW, Palin is appearing with Ann Coulter this weekend which I assume is the end of any talk of her presidential aspirations in 2012.]

The ever so moderate Republican Kathleen Parker today did a blistering pro Life squeal that Pro Life Democrat Mark Stupak is Judas. Stupak a rabid pro Life Catholic anti abortion purist voted for Health Care Reform on the promise of a Presidential Executive Order. An order to not federally fund abortions in any manner which was signed quietly by President Obama yesterday.

Democratic activist Liz Carpenter died here in Texas last week. She was press secretary for LBJ and was Molly Ivins best pal. She was also the voice of the failed ERA amendment which lost ratification by 3 the three states necessary in 1977.  I was watching an old video of Liz in a debate over the ERA amendment with Right-wing Arch Demon Phyllis Schlafly (I hope everyone has noticed that Sarah Palin is actually the new improved version of Schlafly). I should state the amendment:

Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.

Wow! Pretty horrible stuff there! What I had forgotten, was that the Republican Schlafly faction won the battle against the ERA Amendment by painting it as THE ABORTION AMENDMENT.

So considering the yellow tinged warm shallow end of the pool where swims the intellect of not only Sarah Palin, Phyllis Schlafly but Kathleen Parker as well, I find myself in full agreement with the Republican Party on this.

It is imperative that a big intrusive government make private reproductive decisions for women who are obviously too stupid to make such decisions themselves.