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Larry Wilmore Black is not contagious

It would be easy for me to stereotype Trump supporters as dumb, stupid voters who are not paying attention to issues and are just reacting emotionally, or it’s possible they are like The Joker and just want to watch the world burn.

Larry Wilmore Black is not contagious Hey Larry, you just described the Libertarians not Republicans! Republicans just want to reduce their world to the trifecta of English, White and Christian. It is Libertarians who are after that Mad Max ambience.

As we see in the group of voters their main anger directed at Chris Christie is for not hugging a Black guy, but just shaking hands with him. There was no hug. Of the horror of it. You can see the hate and anger drip off these Republicans. Nothing a Republican hates more than a African American they know is smarter than they are.

It’s the same thing going on with the Iran deal, all Republicans and a few Jewish Democrats want to rescind the six nation deal which would mean that Iran would still avoid European sanctions and nothing to stop them from building a bomb now or…

So what is the OR?  How much of this call for more war in the Middle East is about denying a black president any success, the emotions generate by Iran’s Mullahs crying DEATH TO AMERICA and the power of the Israeli lobbies?

Why is it only Republicans and Israel are against this deal? 200 against 1 1/2.

The answer to the Middle East is really quite simple. We carve out an enormous area of Southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Northern Montana and Western North Dakota, give it to Israel as their new and better homeland, and just let the Muslim Middle East have at it. But we can’t do that because Israel if full of magic dirt. How many have died over magic dirt?