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New video of Joe Wilson NON apology apology asking for money

I was switching channels last night soaking up the information on South Carolina Wingnut Congressman Joe Wilson. One small bit of information helped me clear up what his outburst was truly about. That Joe Wilson is a proud member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans. It was reported only by MSNBC and NOT MENTIONED by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN or FOX NEWS. I also found that the African American media picked up on this adding that the only a black President has ever been heckled by a congressman in a speech to the nation.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans has over the years morphed from cleaning up old grave sites to now being a reactionary neo confederate political group pushing for thepublic placement of the Confederate Flag and other unreconstructed confederate right-wing. More on the The Sons of Confederate Veterans at wikipedia

As of this morning, Wilson’s Democrat opponent for the 2010 election Rob Miller has received $700,000 in campaign funds. Thus the purpose behind the video above. But I am sure Wilson will do well as Wingnuts will be selling their children to help Joe…

In just 24 hours Joe Wilson has also become the top hero of AM Radio and Fox News, defended unconditionally by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. YOU LIED and GO JOE t-shirts are selling like kerosene soaked crosses in Alabama.

Here is a picture of the Sons of Confederate Veterans recently raising the biggest confederate flag every made in Tampa Florida!