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North Korea’s Kim Jong-un and Game of Thrones – John Oliver


North Korea's  Kim Jong-un and Game of Thrones  - John Oliver
It’s very unusual for Kim Jong-un to throw open the gates of North Korea in welcome to anyone, but last week he invited journalists to attend a rare meeting of the communist party, John Oliver gives us the inside scoop because as you can imagine, things are not as they seem.

Oddly,  a set of peculiar obstacles prevented the journalists  from ever setting foot at the event. They traveled to various approved tour sites, and were allowed to speak with unscripted, ordinary citizens of  The Stepford Country. All of them love Dear Leader, and  I can see why they love Kim too. Their leader has performed superhuman feats of skill since childhood. As a baby, I believe he lifted 200 lbs, and shot an arrow off of his nanny’s head. Of course, we hear about it when he sends a relative to be torn limb by limb by wild dogs, or to be shot by a firing squad, but Kim is really so much more!

It must have been fate that all of the journalists were marooned in their hotel when the announcement came about Kim’s reelection and his promotion.

John wonders aloud. “Will it be Supreme Leader or maybe Triple Supreme Leader? I happen to think the most fitting name would be “King Lisser Mother of Dragons. Because given his history for violence and rather fantastical family history he is the only person on earth would could conceivably win the Game of Thrones .”