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Obama’s big stick, Martin Bashir crew gets a laugh with THEY all have big sticks

Stick, we can’t say stick without giggling?  Gee…

I put this up mainly as a reminder that Fox News (specifically Bill O’Reilly), Talk Radio, and now some GOP ad campaigns are asking for the heads of both Martin Bashir and Al Sharpton. Take them off MSNBC! Fire them. Get rid of them. They are destroying the reputation of NBC! They are pushing for Obama! OMG!  Fair and balanced FOX would never do such things!

Honestly, does anyone have to wonder why they pick out just those two? A Muslim and a Negro?  Come on… They have learned their lesson on gays and women though, leaving Rachel Maddow pretty much alone. Which brings to mind, where is the Hispanic featured personality on MSNBC? We need one to get the GOP to cover all their RACIST bases.

Here is a little test for yall. Go to any  KKK or Aryan or national front or militia or David Duke website click through it, and then ask yourself how the issues are any different than any GOP or RNC website, or for that matter, any GOP candidates website.