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Olbermann: Gov. Sex Machine Sanford Announces More Trysts, Other Women Too! What The F……k???

There is an old saying; If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!” The “Wild Bull Of The Pampas” cannot seem to STFU, though no one had asked him to further elaborate on his indiscretions. Perhaps he’s merely bragging? My burning question is what do these women see in him? Please, if anyone has a clue, please let me in on it!

Soon, I’ll follow my own advice, and leave you in the very capable hands of Keith and the always delightful Eugene Robinson, Associate Editor of the Washington Post. Fun Fact: Robinson, originally from So. Carolina can testify that Mr. Family Values is Governor of a state where adultery will get you 6 months of jail time and a hefty fine! Why we should believe Sanford’s revised story is as questionable as is his desire to tell all, after bashing every politician with so much as a question of immorality!

In short, we know that he lied (poorly) about hiking the Appalachian Trail on Dad’s Day, and annual clothesless hiking day,while vanishing from his office, without telling staffers how to reach him. His Four trysts with Ms. Argentina, morphed today into Seven international tax-payer funded trips. Not all travel was to Argentina however. The two met a number of times I’ve lost track of, “sparking” in New York City for “multiple nights.” Perhaps he said he was attending a
Promise Keepers meeting?

Brace yourself, it gets better. More astonishing is his admission of a “handful of women” with whom he “let his guard down.” This guy is not Brad Pitt in case you haven’t noticed!

I wonder if the GOP is still sticking by yesterday’s proviso that if Mrs. Sanford forgave him, they would have no problems forgiving and forgetting? .I’d say the chances of the rather cheerful looking Mrs. Sanford tells that story!